This post also appears on This is the second post in a four-part series on the written arguments that have been filed in the same-sex marriage cases at the Supreme Court. This post covers the briefs of the four states in defense of their state bans. America’s state governments have never seen anything like… Read More
Preview on same-sex marriage — Part I, The couples’ views
This post also appears on This is the first post in a four-part series on the written arguments that have been filed in the same-sex marriage cases at the Supreme Court. This post covers the briefs of the couples who are challenging the state bans. Later posts in this series will cover the state governments’… Read More
Federal judge threatens to end new immigration policy
NOTE TO READERS: The following post catches up with developments while the writer was necessarily away from work this week. The federal judge in Texas who is handling the claim of 26 states that the Obama administraiton’s new deferred-deportation policy is illegal threatened this week to strike down that policy altogether, even without holding a full trial.
Who has a right to speak up in the Supreme Court?
Reprinted from Constitution Daily, the post of the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. The post is by Lyle Denniston Staging a verbal protest inside the Supreme Court’s chamber when the Justices are in session is not, constitutionally speaking, as serious an offense as shouting fire in a crowded theater – the classic illustration that the… Read More
Lawyers for same-sex marriage plea named
This post also appears on Lyle Denniston is the author. Under gentle pressure from the Supreme Court not to split up the argument on single questions, the legal teams supporting same-sex marriage have settled on one lawyer to present each issue. The teams thus have abandoned their earlier request to let four lawyers appear… Read More
Is the Supreme Court promoting race bias in election districting?
Reprinted from Constitution Daily, the blog of the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. This post is by Lyle Denniston. No one doubts that, at least since the 14th Amendment was put into the Constitution in 1868, states have been forbidden to discriminate on the basis of race in public policy. In modern times, however, America… Read More
Have voter ID laws survived a new round of challenges?
Reprinted from Constitution Daily, the blog of the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. Post by Lyle Denniston. Few constitutional issues over the right to vote divide the nation’s two dominant political parties more deeply than the question of whether elections would be fairer if every voter had to show a photo ID before casting a… Read More
Puerto Rico ends defense of same-sex marriage ban
The government of Puerto Rico on Friday ended its defense in federal court of the territory’s ban on same-sex marriage The change in position was announced by commonwealth officials in San Juan, and was confirmed in a legal brief filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. Five same-sex couples have a challenge to the ban… Read More
Alabama judge urges quick action if same-sex marriage wins
This post also appears on In the state where the law of same-sex marriage remains the most confused, an Alabama judge has asked the state’s highest court to get ready to promptly allow such marriages if the Supreme Court rules in their favor, avoiding “foot-dragging or other forms of resistance.”
Judge: No conflict yet on Alabama same-sex marriage
A federal judge in Mobile, holding fast to her view that Alabama’s ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional, refused on Monday to put her ruling to that effect on hold. As of now, District Judge Callie V. S. Granade ruled, a state judge in Mobile is not caught between conflicting rulings between the federal and… Read More