At 10 a.m. Monday, the Supreme Court returns to the question of local governments’ power to control outdoor signs as a way to avoid clutter and hazards to safety. Arguing for a small church in Arizona and its pastor challenging a sign law in t…
Jan 10 2015
Sharp new critique of same-sex marriage rulings
Three judges of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, sharply protesting a three-judge panel’s October ruling in favor of same-sex marriage in two states, argued on Friday that courts at that level of the federal judiciary have no auth…
Jan 9 2015
Court orders new look at armed criminal law
(NOTE: Rory Little anticipated this development in his preview for this blog on the Johnson case, here.)
The Supreme Court decided on Friday to make a new start in reviewing a case it has already heard, involving a law that impo…
Jan 9 2015
Court issues orders but does not grant any new cases (UPDATED)
UPDATED 5:41 p.m. The post has been expanded and updated.
The Supreme Court has issued orders following its Conference earlier Friday, but it did not grant review in any new cases. The Court dismissed a case involving…