Anatole France, a celebrated man of letters, was a master of irony and satire. One of his best-known lines: “In its majestic equality, the law forbids the rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread.” That could be the introduction to a Supreme Court hearing on… Read More
The Court and the attack on the Capitol
Joseph Fischer, a political follower of Donald Trump, made two choices on January 6, 2021. He had a constitutional right to make the first one. The second one, however, may put him in prison. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court takes up his case. This hearing will be historic for two reasons. First, the Court will… Read More
Another crisis for women’s health?
Almost two years after ending a constitutional right to abortion, the Supreme Court returns to that intense controversy on Tuesday, exploring this question: will women still have full access to the most common method for safely ending a pregnancy – the “abortion pill”? The Court will also examine the power of the courts to decide… Read More
Are tribal rights facing new peril?
For two centuries, America’s Native American tribes have had a legal right to rely upon the federal government for broad support, though they have often had to accept with that the insult of being thought of as savages. The great Chief Justice John Marshall, who first gave the tribes significant legal protection in the 1820s… Read More
When government speaks…
The Constitution’s guarantee of free speech is for the people; government does not share that First Amendment right. But government, to operate, must speak. On Monday, the Supreme Court tries, in two hearings, to clarify the sometimes-hazy line between official speech that seeks to inform or persuade, and official compulsion or censorship of others’ speech…. Read More
Will Mar-a-Lago case be ended?
The federal judge overseeing the criminal case accusing former President Donald Trump of taking and refusing to return highly sensitive classified documents is giving serious thought to ending the case altogether, she indicated on Wednesday. U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon of Fort Pierce, Fla., issued a brief order saying that two legal briefs broadly… Read More
Constitutional — and political — victory for Trump
Settling a constitutional dispute for the entire nation, and doing so in sweeping terms, a bare majority of the Supreme Court on Monday handed to Congress the sole power to control when and how a candidate for federal office may be barred from the ballot under a 156-year-old constitutional clause. It is a power that… Read More
Trump ruling coming today?
The Supreme Court, in a surprise notice Sunday, said it will issue one or more decisions this morning. That means there is a good chance (but not a guarantee) that it will decide the case challenging Donald Trump’s constitutional qualifications to run for the Presidency this year. The Court customarily announces in advance when it… Read More
Trump v. United States: Explained
When the Supreme Court takes up, at a hearing in late April, former President Donald Trump’s sweeping claim that he is immune to criminal charges, what will be at stake? As lawyers on all sides of this historic controversy start preparing their legal briefs, they cannot be entirely sure of the Court’s intentions in Trump v…. Read More
Major delay of Trump prosecution
The Supreme Court, giving itself powerful control over the timing of federal criminal trials of former President Donald Trump, agreed on Wednesday to rule on his claim that he has total legal immunity to prosecution. The Court did put its review on a faster-than-usual schedule, but the timetable of reaching a final decision may as… Read More